The amazing level of knowledge that is being uncovered is at a pace never seen before, especially with the developments in biotechnology. This dynamic field is certainly a promising one as it not only provides answers but also solutions to biological concerns such as medical diagnostics. The growing demand to meet this industry will increase productivity and new jobs should be issued so that issues such as cancer and COVID-19 can be combated successfully. The future is bright as many companies continue their mission towards a better tomorrow and develop breakthrough technologies to tackle obstacles that improve health and save lives, particularly companies such as StarFish Medical.
What is StarFish Medical
As Canada’s largest medical device company, StarFish medical specializes in development and contract manufacturing. Throughout North America, this outstanding establishment has aided medtech innovators overcome challenging technology based obstacles by working on a variety of medical device product development projects. Their product concept definition (aka Pathfinder) ensures that product definition, proof of concept, clinical trial and FDA approval are smooth sailing to creating a medical device. All while partnering with other innovative companies, the outstanding portfolio this company has is incredible and exceptional among many others. Through high quality management and great regulatory support, over 6000 professionals work within this institution to make expectations a reality.

Recent Innovations: Next-Level Technologies that have Impacted our Society
Artemis Ultrasound Eye Scanner
This digital eye scanner provides advanced cross-sectional images of the cornea and anterior segments. It is used for diagnostic and post-surgical assessment. While collaborating with Cornell University, they developed this technology into a marketable product. It has extensive human factors, software design and infrastructural design. Many highly successful prototypes are used worldwide today!

AVID Certification Phantom IMRT
This technology stands for Advanced Verification of Integrated Dose. It enables verification of radiation treatment plans. It allows a comprehensive range of IMRT measurements (Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy). The design and one patent application was submitted for this invention. This innovation was completed for MDX Medical, a Canadian Medical Clinic.

Revolutionary Breath Test Technology: Gemelli trio-smart
STARFish Technology has collaborated with other companies Gemelli Biotechnology professionals: “ With this type of disease category, we read out levels of gasses that are associated with symptoms and then a patient such as Cedars and Gemelli to bring to the diagnostic market this revolutionary tool. As stated bykes either a therapeutic or dietary intervention of some sort. To learn how they’re doing with the treatment, they assess themselves through a doctor’s order using our instrument.”

StarFish Medical’s Toronto Office
StarFish Medical Toronto is an FDA registered manufacturing facility for microfluidics and bio services team that embodies a drive for engineering, design specialty, and management transparency. WIth an aim to develop new products and designs to continue to plentify opportunities, they work with many post-secondary institutions to engage employees in their careers in an inclusive and interactive environment. Eastern region events are held where StarFish Medical speaks about device development at industry events such as the University of Water;pp JFES Career Trajectories, University of Philippines: AI and Nanotechnology Applications, and University of Ottawa’s Biomedical Engineering Conference. There are many opportunities to engage with StarFish Medical even beyond their Toronto branch and the intriguing future they offer for the health sciences and technology alike.
Check out these Opportunities
See here: COOP Opportunities for StarFish Medical
See here: Intermediate Electronics Engineer (senior. level)
See here: Project Analyst (senior level)
See here: Bio Services Microfluidics Engineer (senior level)
See here: Eastern Region Events
About the Writer:
This article was conducted by Jessica Ng, a BSc Biotechnology/Economics candidate at the University of Waterloo. She enjoys collaborating with others of the same energy and passion in the UWBioTEC team, and enjoys learning abou intersections between science and business. As a lifelong learner, Jessica is interested in exploring how biotechnology can improve the standard of living for all.